Another birthday's come and gone, another year's passed by way too fast. Some people have entered stage right, and some have exited stage left. I feel different about a lot of issues today than I did this exact hour last year. Time heals, they say. Last year, I would've agreed and continued to aimlessly hope. Today, I say you heal yourself, time just keeps ticking by :P Worrying about the nitty gritty of things - the how, the who, the when, and the but - is totally tedious. It kind of adds up, like sleep debt. Last year, I would've asked myself a million questions and driven myself into a hysterical stupor. Today, however, starting from the first day of my new year, I'm going to be all about not sweating the small stuff. Hell, I won't even sweat the big stuff. I don't know how long that'll last but at least I'm not scared of failure anymore. Que sera, sera, n'est-ce pas? Okay I officially pulled the foreign language version of a turducken right there, but I think you get my point. In keeping with this new year's resolution, I'm going to launch the logo of my cupcakery today. This is it. This makes it real. There's no turning back now! Ladies and gentlemen, I introduce to you...
Coming soon.... very, very soon :)
What a wonderful beginning to this new year? =) Love the logo! So special. This is just the beginning. SO happy and excited for you! Looking forward to more news! People if you're reading OUT! Little Miss Muffin is going to reINVENT cupcakes! She's going to give a whole new meaning to them...just wait and see =)