The reason I haven't written in a day (or is it two?) is because I didn't encounter anything inspiring enough. My parents went back home leaving me and Yums clutching onto a short but wonderful thread of memories from the last ten days. Why must holidays be so short!?? I shouldn't be complaining. I think Pakistan is right on top of the list of countries that have the most number of national (and unannounced) holidays in the world. So what inspired me tonight? Well, I'd been looking for my daughter's Mickey Mouse Clubhouse DVD last week, but I couldn't find it anywhere. As a result she'd been watching all her shows on my laptop, since I had all of them uploaded as back up. I put up with it obviously - I try my best to minimize the number of tantrums. With my parents finally gone, I was desperate to find that DVD. I searched in all the drawers, in all the empty cd cases, and even inside the pillow case (yeeaaaahhhh trust me, sometimes I find the strangest things there), but no luck. Yums strolled into the room, rubbing a red wad of playdoh between her fingers, and stopped short when she saw all the drawers and closet doors open. I threw my hands up in the air in submission and said "Yums I can't find your Mickey Mouse DVD! I just can't!" I turned back to rummaging through the closet after my child replied to my declaration with a puzzled stare. Five seconds later two tiny fingers tapped my leg and I turned around to see Yums shoving a cd in my face. There it was... never had I been so happy to see the rainbow glare of a cd before. She'd found it! I hugged my daughter, threw her into the air, twirled around with her, and laughed like a nut job. When I asked her where she found it she wouldn't tell me. After much persistence she finally said, "Mama lapot!" Oh. My. God. The DVD had been in my laptop all this time, but that wasn't why I was in awe. My almost two year old had taken out her cd from my laptop with the ease of a chipmunk cracking a nut. I don't know if that seems like a big deal to anyone else, but when I was two I was probably either stuck under the bed with my big head or breaking my older sister's barbie into five pieces. Kids these days are so technologically aware, I wouldn't be surprised if the next Steve Jobs is a 10 year old! I think it's a good thing... and if there's any remote chance that that ten year old could possibly be my daughter, I'm going to let her get technologic! Full throttle! Oh and while we're on the subject... Daft Punk - awesome. Tron Legacy - more awesome. I wish I could see it in 3D some day, with that awesome awesome soundtrack blaring at its loudest. I wonder what Yums and I would look like with DP helmets on.....Oh well. Maybe next Halloween.
That makes a nice story to tell Yums when she's older! She's a smart one. Geez, Sahu you should've just asked her in the first place ;-) ... =p